
  • Correspondencias & análisis
    No. 7 (2017)

    Recent years have shown us that the Internet has ceased to be an "infinite newspaper Media "to become a versatile support for information and communication, whose contents Have a great capacity for adaptation and flexibility. So the vastness In the storage it combines organically with the multiplicity of uses and applications.

    These applications have migrated to different formats and supports. By its multi-purpose nature, it They have been firmly installed on mobile and portable electronic devices, being introduced into Our daily life, accompanying us in our problems, yearnings and hopes. Sometimes, of Playful and carefree way, "Viralizan" our opinions and preferences through the networks Social issues, around facts or themes that arise simultaneously in different channels and sources.

    It is at this vital crossroads that the responsible journalistic work enters the carving. At a juncture
    "Glocal", the Communicator must use these tools and make them transcend towards purposes that go
    Beyond personal or organizational satisfaction: build An agenda that clearly reflects The contemporary problem, without trivializing the political debate; Practice Daily Ethics Information to ensure the publication, as far as possible, of news outside stereotypes and subjective prejudices.

    The challenge lies in informing without losing the orientation within the seemingly chaotic and gigantic
    Informative maelstrom. The challenge is not to succumb to the temptation to spread events without any handle
    In reality. To the ease of propagating almost anything, of leaving everything to chance, to humour
    or (even worse) to hatred and violence, it is advisable for the communicator to rely on the
    Self-regulation and in deontology, which guide us towards the perennial goal of all rigorous journalism:
    Truthfulness. Only then will the communicator gain credibility and confidence in public opinion.

    Faced with this flourish (continuous, multitemporal, open) of the digital-technological revolution, urge
    Communicators to agglutinate divergent currents (which swarm in the broad spectrum of and carry the incessant creative flow (which we observe in social networks) towards Free and solid spaces of information, discussion, recognition and exchange, that respond To the demands and expectations of the citizenry, without relapsing into the known traps of the Infotainment.


  • Correspondencias & análisis
    No. 6 (2016)

    Integral communication is the key to understanding the different programs and plans drawn up by the different institutions and organizations, all of them committed to a more real approach to their audiences; Concerned about being more empathetic with the interests, needs and realities that their audiences experience on a daily basis.

    The integration of the messages may seem (at first glance) reflection of a presumptuous or self-sufficient action, but it is a practice that requires the collaboration of a great multidisciplinary team of communicators, relations, advertisers, diagramers, Text and audiovisual content editors, as well as web programmers that seek the confluence of a communicative idea through a wide variety of media and formats, be these dense or synthetic, linear or hypertext, specialized or didactic .

    This team work has evolved rapidly in this last five years. We can contemplate it in the extensive use of the social networks, whose scopes have imbricated deeply with the television programs, with the film and record industry, going beyond what it had already achieved within the journalistic field in the Last decade, becoming a vital business tool (which generates value, loyalty and constant feedback), while being a identity symbol of the young generations, already familiar with multimedia gadgets.

    We can consider these days that social media have been configured (increasingly vigorously, with the emergence of one application after another) in the Air du temps of these early years of the 21st century. They have imposed their peculiar and striking hallmark in our communications and in our daily interaction. They have evolved so quickly (without rest) that they do not cease to surprise us with every step and novelty. They're beyond a point of no return.